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New Year 9 Transfer Day - Friday 28th June 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming you and all our new Year 9 students on Friday 28th June for Transfer Day. Our school start time is 8.40am with a finish time of 3.15pm.


Should your child be entitled to transport and will be travelling to school via a bus service from September, please see the link below which details the current QE bus routes and timetables for stops. Damory will be notified of the transfer day and will be supporting any Year 8 students boarding their services on 28th June.

If you are dropping off and collecting your child by car, please can we ask that you access the school drop off car park and use the one-way system. Please do not use the main car park by the school's front entrance. During drop off and collection, this car park is used by our school buses and those with a permit to use the accessible parking spaces.

Please see below our access video created for the school site, which will be really helpful for both parents and students to watch in the run-up to starting with us in September.

QE site access video

Meeting Point

We will make reference to this on our Meet the Tutor evening on Thursday 27th June, however, we are asking that all Year 8 students enter the school via Gate 4, near the drop-off car park area, and walk to Gate 2 by the front gate on the left of the main entrance. They will be met under the canopy at the front of school, which is where students travelling by bus will also need to assemble. Staff will be on hand to support all students when arriving at school and leaving at the end of the day.


Students will be introduced to the school restaurant on transfer day, so should you wish for your child to access this, please can we ask that they bring cash to make any payments. We also ask that they bring a refillable water bottle to use throughout the day.

Dress Code

For the last lesson on transfer day, all Year 8 students will be participating in a sports event within their Houses, to promote Achievement, develop Confidence and create Enjoyment (ACE), so we ask that they attend school for the day dressed in their current school PE kit.

Medical Conditions/Medication and First Aid

If there is anything that we should be made aware of that has not already been shared through your Middle School or our admission form, please can you email before transfer day.

Additional Information for September 2024:

  • First day of term for Year 9 students will be Thursday 5th September 2024

  • School uniform : If you need to arrange an appointment with Bartletts, please do so by contacting them at bartletts.schoolwear or you can book via their Facebook page.

  • School PE kit: Should you need to place an order for this, please contact Start Sports via their website or email

 Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you need further information.

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