Mental Health and Wellbeing Links
Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) in schools are part of a joint national initiative between the
Department of Education and NHS England to improve access to psychological therapies (IAPT) for
children and young people presenting with emerging low mood and mild to moderate anxiety within
an educational environment.
The 3 core functions of the teams are:
• Delivering evidence-based interventions for mild to moderate mental health issues through individual face-to-face work and group work for students or parents.
• Supporting the school's Designated Mental Health Lead to introduce, or develop, their Whole School Approach to emotional wellbeing.
• Giving timely advice to school and college staff, and liaising with external specialist services, to help children and young people to get the right support.
Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP’s) work as part of the MHST in School delivering 1:1 work with young people and/or their families. EMHP’s also deliver workshops in schools to whole classes and run groups for young people and groups for parents/carers. EMHP’s are the people your children are most likely to see in school.
Please speak to your child’s Tutor or Head of Year or a member of the School Leadership Team if you feel you would benefit from support from the MHST.
For further information on the MHST in Schools, please visit:
The Education Hub (DfE) has put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff can get the advice and help they need.
Kooth - - online counselling for up to age 18 in Dorset, free and confidential
Steps to Wellbeing - free NHS counselling and support for over 18s (you can self refer) -
CAMHS - (NHS Childs and adolescent mental health service) Mental health and wellbeing advice and support for children, young people, families, carers - 16+ can self refer -
CAMHS Resources - This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.
Connections - 27/7 mental health helpline in Dorset for any age - Call 111 and select 'mental health' or dial 0300 1235440
Shout - - Free and confidential crisis text line
Young Minds - - YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get mental health support.
Student Minds - - Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. They empower students and members of the university community to look after their own mental health, support others and create change.
Childline - - free and confidential support for any issues
Samaritans - or call 116 123 for free and confidential support
The Mix - - The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing.
Stem4 - - stem4 is a charity that supports positive mental health in teenagers. Mental health information, apps and education. Founders of Youth Mental Health Day.
On My Mind (Anna Freud) - On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health & wellbeing.
Dorset Mind Your Head - - (part of Dorset Mind) - Free information, counselling, support groups, psychoeducation, wellbeing mentoring and wellbeing check-in support for ages 11-25yrs
MindEd - - MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people's mental health
My Teen Brain - advice for parents
EBSA (emotionally based school avoidance)
Not fine in School