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We believe all students are entitled to an ambitious, knowledge-rich curriculum which will open doors and maximise life chances.  We ensure the curriculum is broad and ambitious with the powerful knowledge, skills and cultural capital that they need to succeed in life.

We build a partnership between parents, students, and teachers that puts learning first. We help our students to value learning by activating them as owners of their own learning.

The curriculum is planned and intelligently sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards its clearly defined end points. Curriculum mapping ensures sufficient coverage across the subject over time and that it has sufficient depth and coverage of knowledge.

Reading is prioritised through our whole class reading programme in afternoon registration to allow pupils to access the full curriculum offer.

Our curriculum in Year 9 is broad and balanced: all students study English, mathematics, science, two languages, RE, history, geography, DT, Drama Art, Music and PE. 

In Years 10 and 11 students study english, mathematics, science, RE, at least one EBacc subject and two other options.  All students take part in regular PE lessons to contribute to their personal wellbeing.

Students who stay on to study at QE in the sixth form select from 3 or 4 high quality A-Levels and have a vast array of subjects to choose from.

Across school we follow a Curriculum for Life programme (C4L) that covers all aspects of the required PSHCE programme as well as any issues locally that are pertinent to our students.

Assessment is designed to shape future learning and is not excessive or onerous. Assessments check pupils’ understanding in order to inform teaching, and to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently and develop their understanding, and not simply memorise disconnected facts. We firmly believe that assessment is the bridge between teaching and learning. 

For more information about our curriculum, please contact Claire Porter, Deputy Headteacher.