Physical Education
Welcome to the Faculty of Physical Education
We are a team of 11 who are all committed to promoting a sport for all philosophy, whilst providing an enjoyable education promoting a healthy active lifestyle, we are committed to preparing students for life through physical education. We also provide the opportunity for the pursuit of excellence and competition for those who desire it, through the medium of an extensive extra-curricular programme (please see the link below); which makes use of staff within the school and coaches from local clubs.
Major events that feature in the year are the QE ACE Festival as well as the School Games Sports Days that we always feature heavily in. The school is succeeding in county, district and national competitions in a range of sports (both individual and team) and we are equipping students to enter professional careers through our Junior Athlete Education Programme. Students are encouraged to take part in the extra-curricular dance opportunities which range from becoming a member of the Junior Dance Company in Year 9, entering regional dance competitions including The Great Big Dance Off and also dance video events such as the Dorset School Games Lyrical dance competition. Dance also features in the annual whole school productions which gives students the opportunity to collaborate with their peers in dance, drama and music. We also run a successful Duke of Edinburgh’s Award which is hugely successful and attracts over a 100 students. Achieving the Award provides students with a wide range of skills, confidence and an edge over others when applying for university or a job. Beyond academic achievements, universities want to see evidence of ‘soft skills’ that are developed through extra-curricular activities, such as communication, commitment, leadership and teamwork, thus equipping them for a productive and prosperous future.
Leadership also features highly within our department with over 200 students representing the school as part of the QE School Leadership Team in a variety of events. This includes planning and implementing inter house competitions within school, as well as supporting the local community through the Dorset School Games. This aspect not only provides younger students from our community with role models but also equips our students with a wide degree of leadership, communication and teamwork skills that will strengthen their confidence to be successful in their chosen pathways. Students at KS5 can also opt to take the Level 3 Qualification in Sports Leadership (SL3) as part of their enrichment programme to further develop their leadership skills.
The sports facilities at Queen Elizabeth’s School are outstanding, and include an indoor heated swimming pool, fitness suite, floodlit netball/tennis courts plus a 5-court sports hall containing an excellent climbing wall. A floodlit astroturf hockey pitch, dance studio, shot put circle, 4 long jump pits, a high jump fan, 100m tartan running track, a discus cage as well as extensive fields. We also have 3 dedicated PE theory classrooms with interactive whiteboards and chromebooks.
We are committed to developing sport through our community and the community through sport. Consequently we have an excellent relationship with QE Leisure Centre, local sports clubs, including Wimborne Wayfarers, Wimborne Athletics Club and of course our Middle School feeder schools.
We also have strong links with the SEN faculty in providing opportunities in curriculum and extra-curricular time for all students of all abilities. We run a successful Adapted Sports Programme for students with learning abilities as well as our previously mentioned JAE programme where we aim to meet the needs of our higher achieving students. Our approach ensures that in every lesson high quality, high expectations and high standards are applied and that teaching and learning methods are designed to engage, enthuse and inspire all students to achieve their full potential.
We hope that you find the information here useful and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
For further information please contact the Head of the Physical Education Faculty Mr S Green at:
Building on previous ‘physical’ skills taught at Key Stage 2 and 3 in the middle schools, learners will access a high-quality physical education curriculum at QE that inspires pupils of all abilities to succeed. The curriculum will provide opportunities for pupils to improve physical, emotional and social confidence through our Head, Heart and Hands (HHH) approach and a broad range of physical activities. Students are taught four hours a cycle of physical education.
Assessment Within PE
Students’ work is assessed according to the assessment protocol of the school, they will reflect on the activities that they take part in at the end of each term. Students in year 9 will start on their ‘Journey to Gold’ by working through the bronze booklet. At each reflection point students will set targets for the next activity to allow them to focus on what they need to do to progress. With students progressing on to the Silver and Gold booklets as they progress the school years.
Kit Expectations for Lessons
- All students are expected to wear a PE kit correctly and appropriately for the activity that they are covering. Relevant safety/protection equipment must also be worn should the activity demand it.
- Where a student is ill or injured, a parental/guardian note should be handed to your class teacher. Students are expected to change into their PE kit for all lessons, unless it is inappropriate to do so (e.g. in a cast/ on crutches etc.). Another role will be found for the student in the lesson.
- In instances where you fail to bring the correct kit, the faculty behaviour policy will be applied: