Christian Vision & Values
"You will be secure because there is hope"
Job 11:18
Developing character and bringing hope
to all members of the QE family
through our core values of:
Community † Respect † Kindness † Love
Queen Elizabeth's School is one where we have the highest expectations and aspiration for every member of our school community. As a Church of England Academy, we are rooted in our Christian Faith and reaching out to everyone. We aim to provide all students with and exceptional education, a wide range of opportunities and extra-curricular activities, and a chance to be part of and contribute to a strong community. All members of the QE family are valued and supported to ensure that they feel secure allowing them to achieve their very best.
We are a school where every student has access to a broad, challenging and inspiring curriculum that provides them with the very best opportunities to flourish and achieve their aspirations. We aim to develop our students into confident learners who are resilient and resourceful in their approach to education and to life and who develop a love of learning.
As a member of the QE family students are nurtured as individuals through a pastoral system that has student wellbeing its very heart. Central to this is the kindness and respect shown by all within the school.
“The leadership team have established a holistic approach to the education and development of pupils which is rooted in the Christian ethos of the school and in a commitment to valuing and developing each individual.”
SIAMS Inspection 2018