Learning Resource Centre (Library)
Search the OLIVER library catalogue from your computer in school; click on the LRC tab on the QE home page.
Opening Times: Monday to Friday 8.40am - 4pm
All students have access to the LRC during break and lunchtimes, when they can also access our IT facilities. Post 16 students are able to use the LRC during their study periods throughout the day. Students in Year 9 will have one library lesson every two weeks as part of the English curriculum.
To borrow: We have a large range of fiction books covering all genres and a growing selection of graphic novels. Our comprehensive non fiction supports all curriculum subjects and also provides a whole range of general interest resources.
To check which books are available to borrow in the LRC please use the following link: LRC Oliver Catalogue
You will see a search box next to the magnifying glass symbol, which allows you to search by book title or author, to see what's available. You can ‘Ask the Library’ if you have a specific book related question, or would like to recommend a book to be added to our library.
You can also login and post Book Reviews using the ‘Write a review’ link underneath each book’s picture.
Other Resources: We have 12 desktop computers and 16 laptops available for use in the LRC. There is a 'Follow Me' printer which can also photocopy and scan.
LRC Shop and Student Services
For enquiries relating to equipment, stationery and uniform loans, please contact: studentservices@queenelizabeths.com
For enquiries relating to revision guides and the library, please contact: lrc@queenelizabeths.com
Students are able to purchase a range of stationery and revision guides from the LRC shop during break and lunchtimes. Please see a list of different items they can purchase below: