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Welcome to the Chaplaincy team!
QE is a Church of England School which is proud of its Christian character and ethos. Christian values are both implicit and explicit in the way that all members of the QE community conduct themselves. 

Each chaplain works within a year group, and supports the school on a different day. This is to promote consistency and to maintain a chaplain presence in school. Each house has one assembly a week attended by their chaplain who can offer a short reflection or prayer at the start of the day.

Chaplains lead assemblies using the theme for the week. These are chosen with a focus on reflecting Christian values, key events from the Christian calendar and other significant world events. These themes are shared in assembly but also delivered by house tutors to ensure students are getting a consistent experience of collective worship. Resources and assemblies are designed to further promote students spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Following the assembly the chaplains will spend time in the House Office, offering pastoral and spiritual care to students, typically in mentoring sessions. During break the chaplains offer a drop in service for any student who wishes to chat, and will see students from any house during this period. There are also key times in the year when chaplains will be invited to attend or to be involved with events at the school, such as significant times in the Christian or the school’s calendar.

Andy Putt: Wessex House
'I grew up in Southampton and have been part of Church since I was born. I became a Christian after a few years of asking a lot of questions when I was 17. After a few years working for a local church in Southampton and a local school as a behaviour team specialist, I moved to Wimborne to be the youth pastor at St Johns Church in 2007. After just over five years, in January 2013 I left my post at St Johns to set up a local project called StreetLight. This is a Christian charity which runs an indoor skate park, cafe and soft play centre here in Wimborne. Part of my role at StreetLight is to support and mentor people, and the strong links between QE and StreetLight are very positive ones. I have been part of the Chaplain team since 2016 and been involved with the school and other projects since 2008. I am married to Laura who is a great support to the work I do here and have two amazing children who keep me on my toes.'

Claire Lehmann: Tudor House
'I've always been a Christian and grew up in Poole before moving away to train to be a teacher. After deciding that teaching wasn't for me, I've had various local jobs which including working on a children's ward as a Play Specialist and as a Supervisor at the Dorset Scrapstore. Prior to starting work at the Minster last year as the Families Outreach Worker, I worked as a metal health support worker in the Art and Design facullty at Bournemouth and Poole College. I loved seeing all of the students artwork and assisting with their drama productions. I live in Wimborne with my husband, three boys and two cats Paddington and Luna'.

Skittles: York House

Ian Thorpe: Sixth Form