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Free School Meals & Pupil Premium

Queen Elizabeth’s School is committed to meeting the needs of every individual student. Narrowing the gap of achievement between and within groups is a continued priority for the whole school community

Free School Meals

Queen Elizabeth's School uses the Initio Learning Trust Free School Meal online application form to assess whether your child is eligible for free school meals. 

Click here to access the trust application.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional money given by the government and is targeted at addressing the needs of specific groups of students to close the attainment gap that these students traditionally exhibit. These students include those receiving free school meals or have done so in the last six years, children who are looked after (fostered and adopted) and children whose families work within the UK services (Army, Navy, RAF etc). It is for the individual school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since we are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual students within our responsibility.

​All Pupil Premium initiatives have an administration cost attached which is kept as low as possible.

Queen Elizabeth’s Key Priorities for all students;

  • To ensure all students have access to the help, support and guidance they need
  • To achieve their full potential
  • To be successful through a range of opportunities.