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Catering & ParentPay


"The School, in partnership with Caterlink, its catering provider, is committed to providing meals of a high standard at an affordable price. Our objective is to offer freshly cooked, nutritious meals with a selection of vegetables, salads and fruit as seasons allow. All meals are low in salt and fat. Drinks high in additives are not sold and only water, approved sports drinks and hot drinks such as tea, coffee and chocolate are available. The School and its Governors hold the health of the whole school community more highly than financial gain and wish to encourage all to eat wisely and healthily.

Some information about our meals:

  • All meals are freshly prepared and cooked daily on the premises
  • Menus are designed to reflect the seasonal availability of fresh, locally produced ingredients
  • The cooking methods ensure that no salt is added to food during the preparation and cooking stages and that no additional fats are used in cooking.
  • Students are encouraged to make suggestions and menu requests
  • QE promotes Healthy Eating and encourages all students to eat a varied diet
  • Costa coffee is available in our sixth form cafe for students and staff 
  • All vended items meet our healthy eating criteria (low fat, salt and sugar)
  • Queen Elizabeth's School recognises that it has a duty of care to all its students. The school is therefore striving to be a nut free environment and aims to ensure that none of the food provided, bought by or produced in the school contain nuts. Our food allergy policy is available upon request.

Parent Pay

QE is a cashless school and uses ParentPay, which is an internet payment system, that enables parents to pay for their child's lunch and snacks; for trips and visits; for purchases from the LRC Shop (stationery, revision guides, art equipment); for instrumental music lessons and for locker hire, direct to the school without the need for cheques or cash.  

Your child’s account will be set up with a unique login name and password which will be addressed to the primary parents/carers.  This will be sent to you before the start of term. The website address is

The Benefits:

  • It is a secure payment method, with all communication between your bank and ParentPay safely encrypted
  • Payments made via the internet can be refunded electronically, if necessary, without having to wait for a cheque refund
  • Convenience of making payments outside of school hours either via the internet or by cash at local PayPoint stores using a bar coded letter
  • An online statement page is available that shows when payments have been made for a particular service option
  • It eliminates the risk of a child losing their lunch/trip money in school
  • Free School Meals allowances are updated daily and without the need for a token collection system within school
  • For parents who share custody, a separate secondary login name and password for a child’s account can be provided upon request.